Could you go one day a week without digital technology?

We'll use this email to remind you about your upcoming Digital Sabbath on whatever day you select.

A project byFaithTech logo
"[The Digital Sabbath] felt like I was walking into fresh water...”

3 months, 1 day/week

No Devices

Mobile phone with a line crossing it out

Digital Sabbath is a 3 month challenge where, for one day a week, you avoid digital technology. The goal of the challenge is to lower your screen time and spend time reflecting on God’s faithfulness, his Word, spend time with family and friends, and/or rest your mind and body.

Here’s how it works: We send you a tailored email the night before your digital sabbath day with a reminder, a reflective verse, and some resources. These emails come once a week, the day before your Digital Sabbath begins.

Most people check their phones 58 times a day (with 30 of those during working hours)

"It’s a very freeing experience, that’s why I wish my other friends would try it."

Sabbath: rest

We’re using the term sabbath because it’s a beautiful term that means abstinence from work - in our digital age, this has become increasingly neglected and its power misunderstood.

Sabbath is a biblical term, appearing throughout the Bible. Even God rested, and he tells us to rest... he tells us to rest by going to him.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

"The Digital Sabbath is fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone looking for rest"

FAQ: frequently asked questions

How long is the challenge?

The challenge is structured for 3 months, and we have a unique email for each week. You are welcome to go for a shorter length of time, or repeat the challenge as many times as you’d like!

What is “allowed”?

This is up to you. We recommend trying to use as little digital technology as possible, but you adapt that however you see fit. Some people just avoid their smartphone, others avoid all technology, it’s up to you!

What should I do during the challenge?

Anything you like! Rest, read, go outside, talk, create, meditate - write a list of things that help you actually rest. A rabbi once said, “those who work with their minds should sabbath with their hands and those who work with their hands should sabbath with their minds

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